Personal Stylists
Revivals Personal Stylists - Let Us Dress You
My customers say that because of me, I have provided a safe haven for them. My staff and I cheer them on through their trials and tribulations, as well as congratulate them through their successes. A place where they see familiar, smiling faces and hear kind, uplifting words.
To buyer and seller, the exchange of the incredible clothes are a bonus. It is a special place that has a life of its own. What I am certain about, is that Revivals Boutique is unique.
Robin H. Eklund
Position: Owner of Revivals Boutique

Degree in Buying and Merchandising.
Previous Employment: New York Garment Center Coat and Suit Buyer, Belt Designer; Managing a Women's Mainline Clothing Boutique
Passions: The women who I have been fortunate to meet inspire me. They have allowed me to unleash my passion for styling out on them.
Favorite Hobby: Flea Marketing. I love treasure hunting.
Favorite Fashion Motto: "There's nothing sexier in a women than a sense of humor, be confident in your own skin and don't take life too seriously." - Audrey Hepburn
Moment You Knew You Found Your Calling in Life: The first time I walked into Bloomingdales NYC , circa 1976 and I was overwhelmed with the sheer beauty of the environment. At that moment I knew that I wanted to be part of the fashion industry.
Moment You Knew You Found Your Calling in Life: The first time I walked into Bloomingdales NYC , circa 1976 and I was overwhelmed with the sheer beauty of the environment. At that moment I knew that I wanted to be part of the fashion industry.
What Your Friends Say: Just give Robin the facts and she can style anyone for any occasion.
Favorite Aspect of Your Career: Revivals Boutique is a love affair that still fascinates, mesmerizes and forever takes my breath away.
Strengths: Understanding my clients needs.
An Interesting Fact Most People Don't Know About Me: I have a passion for Vintage Furniture and Home Décor.
Jillian Dunn
Career Background: More than 25 years in the fashion industry in both boutique and corporate settings.
Previous Employment: Asta de Blue and Nicole Miller Philadelphia
Passions: Chanel! Actually a secret hoarder of luxury items and have a 20 year collection of vintage bags and jewels.
Favorite Hobby: Vintage shopping for the unusual item that is a must have for my collection.
Favorite Fashion Motto: "Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary."
- Cecil Beaton
- Cecil Beaton
Moment You Knew You Found Your Calling in Life: When I understood the power of fashion and how it really does change lives by empowering women. If a woman feels fabulous she can do anything.
What Your Friends Say About You: I am trouble but the best kind they know said in reference to shopping and fashion of course!
Favorite Aspect of Your Career: Meeting amazing women who share a common love of fashion and being able to call them life long friends.
Strengths: Personal Styling, Building and Maintaining Client Relationships, Always striving to provide the customer service the client deserves.
An Interesting Fact Most People Don't Know About Me: I have been writing a fashion article anonymously for the last 3 years published in a local magazine.
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